Support in school lessons

In addition to the afternoon program, supporting teachers in school lessons is a central task of the volunteers in El Salado.
The "Unidad Educativa Intercultural Bilingue Llangahua" (UEIB) is a high school and elementary school that was founded around 20 years ago. There are currently around 130 pupils from grades 1 to 13 attending the school. In addition to subjects such as math, history and chemistry, Spanish, English and Kichwa are also taught. In the higher grades, the focus is on agricultural subjects.
After years of working together, the teachers really appreciate the support of the volunteers. At the beginning of the school year, the volunteers and teachers decide together in which areas support is needed and which interests and strengths the volunteers can incorporate into school activities. Often the subject of English cannot be offered for all grades and so the volunteers have often taken over English lessons in primary school in recent years. Lessons are always organized in cooperation with the teachers, who support the volunteers with their ideas and in dealing with the children.